Pyxpub - Private Payment Gateway - Examples

Pyxpyb - Private Payment Gateway

Github Repository

Pyxpub is a simple self-hosted webapp that generates unique payment requests for Bitcoin Cash. It can do this as a simple webpage with a Bitcoin Cash address and corresponding QR code or as a JSON request. It can be accessed directly, be embedded in a webpage through an iframe, or you can do JSON requests through the API. All generated Bitcoin Cash addresses are derived from a pre-defined (Electron Cash) xpub key.


JSON Payment Request

jQuery Example


            curl 'http://localhost:8080/payment?amount=0.0023&label=SHOP:1Wed2B44'

            "payment": {
              "amount": "0.0023", 
              "addr": "bitcoincash:qpej4uw429m9m0wawcphw9v4sch2ymd6qsqh7jx9gl", 
              "legacy_addr": "1BVx9uf5UGJDt1eMqjut8qh1K4mmEeDSFQ", 
              "label": "SHOP:1Wed2B44", 
              "qr_img": "/qr?addr=bitcoincash:qpej4uw429m9m0wawcphw9v4sch2ymd6qsqh7jx9gl&amount=0.0023&label=SHOP:1Wed2B44", 
              "payment_uri": "bitcoincash:qpej4uw429m9m0wawcphw9v4sch2ymd6qsqh7jx9gl?amount=0.0023&message=SHOP:1Wed2B44"

Embedded iframe

No parameters
<iframe width=100% height=450px scrolling="no" frameborder=0 src=""></iframe>
With amount & label parameters
<iframe width=100% height=470px scrolling="no" frameborder=0 src=""></iframe>